The streets of Paris felt as familiar as they felt foreign, and I couldn’t believe that I was there, trying somewhere new again. I was tired, exhausted from trying to work whilst traveling, drained from a virus that had caught me—it felt—just as I was stepping into this new apartment, this new life.
I was thinking of the year that had just gone and wondering about the shape of things to come.
It had been an eventful year, one with full circles, but mostly, with a lot of open ends.
I had learned so much.
Put some dreams to rest.
I met one of my dearest new friends in Somerset last year. We actually had met years prior, in New York, when I had taken photos of her. When we reconnected I couldn’t believe we had found ourselves again here in this remote place, after having met in the crazy bustle of the New York City life.
There in full nature, she had blossomed. Her life looked like a postcard. She had started growing rare roses, she had met a gorgeous Englishman, she had written an album,…