Sometimes, I think, we should all do a good amount of shutting up.
But then—what’s more delicious than talking and talking and talking?
The thing is, it does come with the risk of saying something wrong.
"How do you look so good ON INSTAGRAM?”
You read it right. I was the recipient of that delicate remark, dropped over coffee by one of my very best friends whom I love. Really, I know she’s right—I do look good on Instagram. Because I control the freaking environment, okay? I know my lights and my angles.
I felt the affront, but not how you would think. It actually amused me, because I could see that she was putting her foot in it and didn’t realise it. So I let her say it a few times, and then I spoke up.
“Hey!!! I get it, I look awful in real life. Will you stop now?” I said it, but jokingly, because it’s really not a big deal. She suddenly realised what she was doing and got so flustered she froze.
Then we laughed. I don’t get phased by these types of remarks.
Because I thought it was…