The Mystics
I am a romantic. I am spiritual, I look for signs, I am superstitious. I touch wood. I love to go to churches. I smile to the moon. Nature is my sanctuary, writing is my prayer, and when I look in the eyes of animals I see the profoundness of eternity. I dream with my eyes open, I think things are meant to be. I believe in vibrations, and I believe in destiny.
I am a little bit out there.
I had always been wary of fortune tellers, healers and self-proclaimed shamans. I was attracted and repelled. I had too many questions, too many things weren’t holding together. Astrology was the only thing I let myself soften to, happily oblivious to its inaccuracies.
I am grounded in reality.
My everyday mysticism found a comfortable home in Los Angeles. LA… Kind of invented this happy narcissistic mysticism. LA is a glowing supermarket of the mystic. Come and indulge in all types of kundalini practices, moon circles, plant medicine gatherings, healers from any confine of the world. Buy crystals the si…