I am Garance, and, as you’re about to see, I love oversharing. It might be why you’re here, and I totally get it, because who wouldn’t want to know everything about a French woman living in Somerset (that’s in England, I discovered this recently myself) with her dog (and, sometimes, her husband) and recovering from being a fashion superstar?
Not me.
For those of you who haven’t met me before, in a decade far, far away, I used to be a fashion blogger, one that shared her fashion illustrations, her street style photographs, and, well, who already loved talking at length about her life in all its glory and misery, except at that time it was entirely groundbreaking and now it’s just what everybody does.
Thank you, world.
Anyway, my early arrival to the party (and, my coach would say, my talent)(I don’t have a coach) made me into something unexpected, which is sort of one of the first internet celebrities. It was quite awesome for a while, and even more when people called me a fashion icon because my ego is everything but small. Then, fame and fortune got the best of me and I ended up with a little bit of a burn out (or, as my therapist would say, a giant depression) and decided to drop it all.
It was fabulous.
I went to LA, didn’t work at all, and spent all the money I had on psychics, spa treatments and hot yoga, and the rest on making a home. I got caught in a bit of a jolly, entirely uncreative Groundhog Day, and could have done that forever until one day, almost simultaneously, I met a man and a pandemic happened. My life drastically changed, again, but lucky enough this time, it worked out and I launched a fantastic skincare line, got married and had ten kids.
I did.
In the midst of this joyful (most times) mess that is my life, I started increasingly missing the simple, tangible, direct and wonderful simplicity of, well, blogging. Not the glamour and the jet setting, but the connection, the friendships and the support that I had found, and sort of let go of as I was busy getting flown all over the world covered in it-items because I was an imbecile.
So I started a newsletter.
And my love of writing, of connecting with a community, and of (sometimes) finding the words to express what it is to be a woman in our forever changing world… Found its expression again.
Since then many newsletters been written, going in details over all of the above (and more, like for example some sumptuous episodes from my Glorious Year Of Dating) in details. If you subscribe, which I hope you will, you’ll find all of these—it’s literally an open book. Some pages will make you laugh, some cry, and some be like “I think exactly the same thing!”
You’ll receive two of The Letter a month which is a life diary, as well as two (or more) of The Note, a lighter, shorter newsletter about the things I like (and also some of the things I hate).
You’ll also be welcomed to join our community lives—we have at least two a month, and we talk about absolutely everything, and when I say we I mean, us, the community.
You’ll have access to our talk circles, online or IRL, which is probably one of my favourite things I ever fostered. I know many friendship are born from these.
Sometimes, we will even have parties.
You’ve guessed it, I do not have ten kids—but apart from this, absolutely everything I talk about in me letters is true. My promise to you is to stay real, open, and honest, and, as much as I can, available to you.
See below for all the ways to join!
The Letter
You can choose from two subscription plans - Monthly and Yearly.
Every two weeks, I will send an essay, talking about my observation on life, which I call The Letter. No ads! The Letter comes out every other Saturday.
There is a price: $7/month for Monthly (billed monthly) or $70/year for Yearly (billed annually).
Both plans will give you access to:
All content, entirely advertising free
The Letter, sent every two weeks
The Note, sent once a month
Exclusive access to my full 250+ story archive
Exclusive access to live chats with direct access to me
Exclusive access to community threads and chats with direct access to each other
If you opt for the yearly plan, it comes with savings!
Founding Members
This is if you want to show me extra love and support—and it’s greatly appreciated! If you become a Founding Member, you will also gain private access to events and meet ups. And my eternal gratitude!
The Note
The Note is my super short newsletter about the things I love, and a lot of the things that I buy. The Note is free, which is why, on occasion, it might come with affiliate links. Any partnership will be clearly disclosed.
It’s free and you can subscribe below!
(I still think it’s better to become a member of our amazing community and to receive The Letter, my very personal, always real, sometimes hilarious, almost invariably profound newsletter where I talk about absolutely everything that makes life interesting!)
Gifting a subscription
If you’d like for your friend, family member, colleague (or anyone else!) to become a part of our world, click below!
Read more about our community live chats, my podcast, close friends stories on Instagram and how to reach me here!
Big hugs!