I love your hair down!! But is that the natural color? You didn’t mention that part 😅🥰

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You look beautiful either way!!❤️

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My dear Garance I wish you good luck with your hair growing 💚

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I’m nearly 55 and have waist length hair. I started growing it in earnest around age 50 when it was a Bob. I’ve never had it that long my entire life. Keep up the commitment, long hair is awesome!

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My long, thick curls also drove me nuts! Always wished for thinner hair...and after loosing it all after chemo, I have my thin hair...dry, wispy, still curly, but happy to have whatever! And, ALWAYS pinned up! 😉 (PS tried the short hair before the ‘fall’, and that’s also a hard NO.)

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It’s not impossible for you to have a bob- and I think you would look amazing. But the key is finding the right hair stylist to cut your specific texture. When you say mushroom, it sounds like you probably need weight removed, which is done on the vertical. This is what’s done to my hair, which is a little like yours. And I have a textured bob with bangs, kind of shaggy, which I love. Good luck whatever you choose!

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Long hair, yay! Braided pony tails are the best ❤️

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Yep, love the braided pony tails.

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I have blonde / gray hair that I TRY to make thick and voluminous and I am thinking braids might be more time efficient for me! PS I had short hair and hated trying to get my host dresser to pay attention enough to cut it right every month. Long hair simplifies your life as long as you can style it easily. What about a low chic bun? PSS as many You Tube videos as I have watched, I don’t know WHY I can’t master this!

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100% in the same place - the one road not taken is loooong- so in spite of recommendations to cut it n a Bob, or take off 3 inches, I persist to see what loooong looks like.

63 , fine, wavy/curly . Trying it my way

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I have had every kind of hair, including the mushroom kind. Currently, I have a cut gone bad and it's totally wrecking my mojo. Of all aspects of beauty I am most attached to hair (is this because I am a Leo?!) so if I have enjoyable hair I can weather most other aspects of aging. Here's hoping my next appointment issues me firmly back onto the land of lovely locks.

I love that you're going to go with very long! Show us how it's done❤

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I think your hair is growing out very nicely. Never cut it short again…I too made that drastic, what the hell was I thinking mistake years ago. I will go to my grave with my long curly locks!

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I feel you, Garance... I've spent so much time (and money) trying to grow my hair with serums, supplements, etc. (especially after being diagnosed with breast cancer, undergoing three surgeries, and starting to take tamoxifen). I've cut my hair short several times since college and did it again a few months ago. In fact, no one really commented after the recent chop and I believe it's because this is how I am meant to be seen. My advice is to look beyond the goal of long hair (which is not attainable for everyone thanks to genetics and other factors), find a style that makes you feel fabulous and run with it! (P.S. I need to update my profile picture with my new short 'do.)

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I have the same hair texture/curl as you! A year ago I finally got Le Chop after wanting to for years. I’ve also grown out my grey. Your curls will be so much more predictably gorgeous from every angle when you’ve had enough of colouring

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I keep my hair up in a messy bun because it’s cooler because I’m always having a hot flash!!! I cut 5 inches off several months ago and I can’t wait for it to get longer so I can do braids again!

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don’t try growing it longer. i have same problem. try ines de la fessange look.

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I just got a bob today, with bangs - and I have wavy to curly hair and am in my 40’s. I have been amazed at what (finally) discovering an amazing stylist has done for my possibilities of what I can do with my own hair. And I live in the humidity of South Florida! Nevertheless, totally thrilled with my cut and excited to shed the weight of all that hair!

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Have you every checked out https://instagram.com/jayne_edosalon?igshid=OGQ5ZDc2ODk2ZA==? She’s a wonder with curls and texture. She could help you shape it as it grows. She also recommends Hairstory and it’s pretty great for curls.

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