Trinny Woodall has done a piece on this you might find helpful

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Nettles!! Lacy from TBM shared a nettle infusion years back… you can find it via googling. I drank a version of it for about a year, and it’s crazy… I also have waist length hair that I never cut/isn’t damaged now ahah.

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I totally agree! Nettle infusion with additional horsetail is the best. I also love moonjuices super hair and of course scalp oils with rosemary like the one from hinu.

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I’ve read that studies show rosemary oil is as effective as minoxidil for thinning hair!

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Nutrafol was super helpful to my wife after the birth of our second. Within six months, density was totally back. We were just in Morocco and the amazigh community SWEARS by rosemary oil.

You'd also be super cute going full Jean Seberg tho so...

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Chère Garance, ma belle-soeur qui a eu un cancer, chimio et perte de cheveux m'a conseillé le shampoing et soin de la marque "Arganicare le castor oil shampoo que tu achètes sur internet pour rien du tout. J'ai testé et j'Adore ( j'ai 50 ans et même combat avec mes cheveux) pour le coup ce conseil fonctionne, tellement bien que mes filles ados me les piquent😉

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I also use Castor Oil and massage the scalp, more focus on the thinning areas :) it is one of those traditional treatments inherited by grandmas :)

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I tried Nutrafol twice, two years apart, at the suggestion of my hairdresser. Both times I had to stop after a day because it caused such bad bloating. Now I am taking a hair skin and nails supplement my doctor gave me which is helping.

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I have let my gray grow in, and my hair looks so much shinier and healthier now. In terms of supplements - collagen!

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When I noticed my hair was also thinning, i freaked out! I now put a scoop of Vital Proteins Collagen Peptides in my first cup of coffee every morning. and i take a vitamin, Complement, everyday. It’s a vegan vitamin, but it works! When i quit taking the vitamin, once again, my hair thinned out. I think the website is Lovecomplement. It’s a bit pricey,but it does work for me.

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Don’t worry, just wait and take care of your health and your food. After menopause it will grow back!

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For many woman yes but some woman have inherited female pattern baldness. I have it in my family but my father had a full head of hair so I’m hoping that I’ll follow his genes!!

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Lashilé beauté fait des petits bonbons délicieux, c'est hyper facile à prendre ( 2 par jour) et si ce n'est pas miraculeux, en tous cas je trouve mes cheveux teints de jeune cinquantenaire ( ouch...) bien plus en forme et fournis...

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Rene Furterer Vitalfan integration pills worked magic on me after breastfeeding and the “progressive” version is the only thing that works on my mother hair (80 years old) 😃

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I'm about to start chemo with long, full thick hair. Hair model hair. Although i know i should be focusing on healing and getting better, i had a full meltdown-on-the-floor moment when i found out one of the chemo drugs will probably make all my hair fallout. Hair is important.

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I’ve been through full hair loss due to chemo. Try and look at it as a time off from worrying about your hair. No bad hair days. I know it’s hard, but it grows back before you know it. Mine came back with lovely curls, and as dense as it was before. Plus it was all new and shiny. And I got to see how I’d look with a shaved head. I wish you a full recovery and healing.

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Thank you so much, hearing your experience does help. i've been slowly coming to terms with it. 🫶🏻

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Have you heard of cold-capping? I did it for a friend and she kept her hair during chemo. You put on a cap that's been chilled in dry ice and it protects the hair cells while letting the chemo do their thing in rest of body.

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Hi Susan, I did. And I would have access to one. But because the chemo drug that'll cause the hair loss is taken by pills, and not injections, it won't work unfortunately.

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Oh, sorry about that. I went through it when I was 45. It grew back curlier, but then reverted back to how it used to look.

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Thank you for sharing, it's so helpful. I'm 56 and virtually no grey hair. Hopefully it will grow back the same color.

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I have had chemo twice and lost all my hair, at 34 and 43. The second time around the hair did not grow back as good as the first time as I was also going through menopause. With cancer the loss of hair can be A LOT, but in all honesty — to be alive and healthy beats that. I still struggle with my now very thin hair and the bolding tendency on top of the head but, more than that, I am just SO grateful to be alive.

I wish you and your hair a speedy and full recovery!

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Thank you so much for sharing your experience. I'm realizing that too and now accepting that it'll be temporary, being alive is the gift :).

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You look beautiful Garance! The softer hairstyle is so pretty. I massage jojoba oil in my hair twice a week and love it! ❤️

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Have you tried Calecim? I'd always pulled my hair back into a tight top not so that didn't help but

I've tried this and I believe it has helped me and I'm going to give it another go... https://calecimprofessional.com/products/advanced-hair-system?variant=43491694215399

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Q10 coenzyme

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I must try changing my parting.

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I use Nutrafol and it works for me! My hairdresser noticed my hair density increased after two months of use. I still use it, I am very happy with the results.

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Me too. My hair reacts to my body feeling stressed out and after back and knee surgery a year apart, my post-menopausal hair had lost density. I’ve been using Nutrafol for about 4 months now and have definitely noticed an improvement. Biotin and collagen supplements also help. And I’ve recently heard that twice monthly microneedling can help regrow hair.

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