For those of you who don’t follow my wonderful, hilarious, all-too-intimate diary of a newsletter, I thought I should give you a little recap of my (somewhat) complicated life because I get a lot of questions on Instagram about what the hell am I doing. And I get it, this life of mine doesn’t feel all too ironed out…
Because it isn’t.
All right, so:
Most of you know that I had moved into a splendid house in Somerset, because I was going on and on about it.
It was amazing, and for a minute, I thought I had found the place. I bought the Barbour jacket and tried to learn how to bake crumpets.
But then my husband
started working a ton, never being here, and I realised that the countryside can be incredibly lonely when you’re alone. I also realised that, as photogenic as it is, I’ll never be a trad wife, and I threw away my apron.
Also, it was raining A LOT.
Then my husband got a job that would take him to New Zealand half of the year for the foreseeable future. Wait, what? But we just moved to…
I had a bit of a breakdown and almost cut short bangs. I cried a lot. My dream life was dead. Lulu and I were VERY depressed. This community helped me a lot, by the way (as I was crying through a few lives) so thank you so much, and I love you.
Then I rose like ze phoenix from ze ashes with a crazy idea that has nothing to do with anything: going to Morocco to do some projects (no idea what) with my (elusive, mysterious and unbearably chic) sister because she was going through another type of breakdown—the empty nester one.
We decided to go on and explore with no other idea in mind than walking in the Medina, looking cool and finding projects.
But then I fell in love with a house, and…
Well, let’s see what happens with that.
Finally, I flew to New Zealand to meet my husband, and this is the place from where I am writing to you. I’ll be here for… a while. My astrologer had predicted this all—I wasn’t made for a stable life. I just hadn’t believed her.

On the bright side, I guess one can say that my life is not too boring?
I am hopefully going to be back with a lot of new Notes. We need to talk about hair, fashion, CO2 lasers and many, many, many more things. If you have any questions, please ask me here. Don’t be shy!
All right, sending you love from the other side of the world!
The last Letter was about the aforementioned house in Morocco and me losing my sleep over it!
The last Note was the full story of my fibroids. A very important subject I wanted to talk about and share with as many of you as possible. Thank you for all of your wonderful comments and sharing your own stories🤍
This is me, enjoying the beauty, creativity and warmth of Morocco!
Doré launched Les Gants Doux, the softest and cutest cleansing mitts, and sold out!!! They are back in stock in the US (and will be internationally too, very soon!) and you can order them here!
If you want to reach out, you can write me back just by responding to this email :)
Big kisses and have a wonderful day!
And who is the astrologer? xx
Did you sold the house in Somerset since you will be for a while in New Zeeland and you did not liked to live in Somerset, or you still kept the house.
When I read that you were going to live in Somerset, my first thought was like you might live like in Midsomer Murders.