I have been searching for a lip stain that doesn’t dry your lips and found this Fenty Beauty Poutsicle Hydrating Lip Stain to be fantastic! The color lasts for about 4 hours fades in beautifully and doesn’t migrate!
Hello Garance. I'm a big fan of yours, from a long time ago. For your Chanel red lips, you have to try NEUTROGENA eyes/lips remover liquid-cleanser. Easy to find everywhere. It's the only product that instantly work and I am using ink-type lipsticks that stay all day- Maybelline for one. I assure you it works! Je ne sais pas pourquoi je vous ai écrit en anglais... mais bon, essayez-le vous verrez.
I wore a pinky beige shade of that Chanel lipstick for my wedding and it truly is long lasting. As for reds, my favorite is one by La Bouche Rouge called—wait for it— Dore! It’s a warm brownish red that is very easy to wear when you don’t necessarily want a statement red lip.
Ellis Faas Milky Lips N01 - specifically designed to match the colour of blood. It is perfect and the first time I ever got the blood toned dark blue red of my dreams
Obsessed with the colour. I always have application issues because I end up giving myself sad clown mouth (no matter how many videos I watch I cannot seem to grasp it). I bought it mid-pandemic and am happy looking at the colour
Such a cool note (and so French)! Have you seen the latest Almodovar film (The Room Next Door)? It is an ode to stunning lipsticks :) I have since been looking for the brand and shade Julianne Moore is wearing, a deep burgundy- If anyone knows ? :) xxx
I love lip stains but can never seem to find the right shade, so this is inspiring! Thank you for sharing your story as well as all the options!! And it makes me so happy even though you are French and therefore perfect, you write relatable things that give me hope for my own New England Yankee self.
I have been searching for a lip stain that doesn’t dry your lips and found this Fenty Beauty Poutsicle Hydrating Lip Stain to be fantastic! The color lasts for about 4 hours fades in beautifully and doesn’t migrate!
I’m interested in hearing the story behind the double asterisk! *️⃣*️⃣ 💋
Me too!
Hello Garance. I'm a big fan of yours, from a long time ago. For your Chanel red lips, you have to try NEUTROGENA eyes/lips remover liquid-cleanser. Easy to find everywhere. It's the only product that instantly work and I am using ink-type lipsticks that stay all day- Maybelline for one. I assure you it works! Je ne sais pas pourquoi je vous ai écrit en anglais... mais bon, essayez-le vous verrez.
I love the idea of red lipstick but I need a red lipstick for people who can’t wear red lipstick 😊
I wore a pinky beige shade of that Chanel lipstick for my wedding and it truly is long lasting. As for reds, my favorite is one by La Bouche Rouge called—wait for it— Dore! It’s a warm brownish red that is very easy to wear when you don’t necessarily want a statement red lip.
I second La Bouche Rouge—they have several different reds (my favorite is La Rouge de Chloe) and beautiful refillable tubes.
Merit in Power is literally perfect. Simple. Bold. Comfy. French.
Ellis Faas Milky Lips N01 - specifically designed to match the colour of blood. It is perfect and the first time I ever got the blood toned dark blue red of my dreams
Chanel Dragon
Violette fr , try if you can 😀
Obsessed with the colour. I always have application issues because I end up giving myself sad clown mouth (no matter how many videos I watch I cannot seem to grasp it). I bought it mid-pandemic and am happy looking at the colour
The Chanel Duo is amazing! The only efficient way to remove it is using an oil (any oil really) as a make up remover!
Violette petal bouche is the best red lip colour and lasts all day but also comes off
This. is. perfect. 🌟
Such a cool note (and so French)! Have you seen the latest Almodovar film (The Room Next Door)? It is an ode to stunning lipsticks :) I have since been looking for the brand and shade Julianne Moore is wearing, a deep burgundy- If anyone knows ? :) xxx
Very beautiful look the acne coat, red pout, brunette tresses. Very amusing ,spirited and entertaining lipstick philosophy & chat :))
A little too much red for me :), nice pull
I love lip stains but can never seem to find the right shade, so this is inspiring! Thank you for sharing your story as well as all the options!! And it makes me so happy even though you are French and therefore perfect, you write relatable things that give me hope for my own New England Yankee self.