Your dog is wise. 💛

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That is so inspiring! And so simple at the same time. Can’t wait for the five things Lulu taught you about love. 😻

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Scroller en bas de l'email pour retrouver tes astérisques me rend nostalgique, ça me rappelle ta toute première newsletter, lorsque tu inventais des acronymes farfelus qu'on ne pouvais pas déchiffrer sans lire les notes de bas de page :')

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Dogs are the best little angel teachers, aren’t they? Love when you share your Lulu with us, as a dog mom myself, It’s nice to see how other “dog moms” relate to their doggies. Can’t wait to read about Lulu’s love lessons. ❤️❤️❤️

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This note was a joy to read.

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Love this G! Please tell about your chic gold eyeglass chain ... is it special for glasses, or just a piece of jewelry re-purposed? I need one : )

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Definitely don’t restrain to 300 words! Love reading more than a snapshot! Currently reading the Famous Five and they are always napping, eating homemade food and just ‘getting on with it’ - a few good tips here I believe too for our health! Obvs Lulu is a health guru too!

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This is for the pain au chocolat break so please feel free to write more than 300 words ☕🥐

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Happy to see what you're up to for free. Already have too many subscriptions. Not crazy about sales pitches. Go Lulu!

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Aww how cute and wise! ❤️ I love Lulu!

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