I haven’t been blessed with the bushy brows of my dreams. No. Instead, I have very few hairs that try to form a kind of a shape and often fail. If I try to interfere, because I have very few of them, any mistake is a gaping hole in my brow line. It’s happened before.
I am SO careful with tweezers you’d think I was practicing open heart surgery.
Very often, I find myself with a few hairs missing at the tail of my brows and then the only thing that can take over is make up. Recently, my stepdaughter, too young to be politically correct, told me “you have no brows” and I died a little.
When she brought it back as a joke, I had to have a talk with her because this actually made me feel horrible. She now knows it’s a touchy subject for me.
I’m brow insecure.
[I did tattoo my brows once and felt like an absolute queen. It was GORGEOUS. But:
1/ Tattooing is quite brutal for the skin and I was worried I was going to lose what few hairs I had.
2/ I think that when all is said and done, I am not crazy about feeling made up all the time.
3/ As the tattoo faded, it left an orange shadow that took years to disappear and it turned me off the brow tattoo for good.]
But the great thing about truth being spoken is that it pushed me to action. If she could see it, then it meant everyone else could, not just me. Also, brows tend to recede as we age and I started having a nightmare of a future without brows at all.
I had been scared off of the first generations of brow serums because of the prostaglandins (freaky side effects!), but I did a little research and landed on the very affordable—and, it seems, safe—The Ordinary serum. I’ve been using it since mid-January, and the results are in.
I am not Brooke Shields yet, but my brow line seems much healthier, fuller and I actually had to tweeze a few outcasts the other day. No more gaping holes. No weird side effects either. Yay to all of this!
And that’s it. That’s my Note for today. I so wish I had done a before and after!!!

The last Letter was about sisterhood and what being the not-as-pretty sister feels like (yes, my sister has very good brows)(of course).
In the last Note, I revealed my secret to packing light and surviving 5 full days with the tiniest of tiny carry-ons!
In our last live, we talked about photography and agents, and also botox and plastic surgery! Watch the recording here!
We’re meeting again tomorrow, on Thursday, February 29th, at the usual 6pm UK time. If you don’t know how to join our lives, learn more here and let me know if you have any questions.
The most important thing when it comes to beauty? Good lighting!
If you have any questions or would like to suggest a subject for one of my future Notes, let me know here!
Big hugs!
I’d never have guessed this from your photos Garance. They always look natural to me. You can try organic castor oil on your brows and eyelashes - a little swipe with a tiny bit of oil in the evenings before bed. You have to be consistent but I think it works. X
Just a suggestion: Thinning brows on the outer section is a sign of hypothyroidism. Perhaps check out your thyroid, especially if you tend to run a lower than average body temperature.