enjoy so much

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marry a younger man like me and you'll live forever in your comfortable delusion that you're younger than you are ;)

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Ahahah I tried and it was a nightmare for me, terrible dynamic! But the older man is making me feel like a forever teenager ☺️ this shows it actually depends on the guy, not his age... which is great news!

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Yes right, until they start roaming around for a young chicken younger than them

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I am going to be 70 on October 9th. I am celebrating with two lectures on inspiring but little-known women who changed the history and direction of France. I am American but am giving the lectures in French with the sponsorship of the Mairie of Neuilly sur Seine. A new chapter, a fresh start et voilà! Your message is charming and heartening. You keep on changing as you get older. Bravo!

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Merci Rachel and congratulations! I love this!

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So good. If I were 41 I'd tell myself not to worry about whether or not I'd have a child and just live (and love) my life.

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I love this!!!!!!

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Wait till yr 50s approach they suck, worst decade ever, menopause, etc 60s are much better! Take care

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At 55, I’ve learned that as we seem to be getting older on the outside, we’re really only getting younger and freer on the inside.

I love what Anne Lamont wrote about aging:

“How to live? Simplicity is so rich. My days might seem infinitely uninteresting to a youthful person. But older age has given me permission to do what I’ve always dreamed of doing: sit around reading, walking, and puttering. Busyness and fear constrict us in youth; fresh air and nature free us in old age.”

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I forget that I’m not 30 all of the time! (I’m 61).

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I'm not a kid I just act like one

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I will frame this upon my bed and read it every single day !!!! 🤣🤣🤣

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Love this. I basically think everyone is the same age as me. As most of my friends and colleagues are younger, this may not so good for them but in reality I don't see them as older than they are, I see myself as younger. Age dysmorphia. Its working for me ;).

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so....50...49. again? still? always? hahahahahahahah carpe diem!

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I ve seen that pull before where ? I dont remember very nice.

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Let’s do so - twenty years less and full power ahead for spring chickens !!!

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I’m turning 48 and starting a master’s in psychology to hopefully steer myself to a new career. I wake up some days terrified that I am too old for this but I apply the same thinking if I had done this 10 years ago I would now consider my 38 year old self young so at 58 I will look back and think 48 was young( maybe!?)

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My grandmother will be 97 years old next month. Though her mobility is affected, and her cataracts are there… she has a vibrant social life, lives alone in her house, and is more connected via technology than any of her grand/great-grandchildren. Decades ago, she decided that she didn’t have time for ‘old people’ - that is, people who think old and act old. Her friends are all decade(s) younger than her. She is curious, non-judgemental, open-minded. She is young - look into her eyes, listen to her thoughts and her stories… and she is a girl.

My partner and I were with her last week, and he asked her about the passage of time. He asked if 97 years has felt long. And she said no… that her life has passed in the blink of an eye. A reminder to be as present as can be, and to do what’s in your heart.

I’ve just celebrated another wonderful birthday, and I love the idea of operating from 26 this year. The whole world is before me. Thank you for this reframe, it is beautiful.

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I read the most wonderful piece of advice recently. The person being interviewed was asked what advice they’d give their younger self, and they said actually I always ask myself what my younger self would do, because when we’re young we’re not weighed down with baggage, we make decisions based on what we want.

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Be careful about decisions you make when yr young, because they can affect you for the rest of yr life! “Guard your heart for from it flow the Springs of Life “Prov 4:23

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That’s true of decisions made at any age.

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But especially when young. We are filled with lust attraction factors when young might get pregnant, and that man awful father. Take it from me, been there done that

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Take it from me gals do not marry a guy who made you preg!!! He can be a most unwiorthy fellow which mine turned out to be 33 yrs later.

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You gals need to protect yourselves get a career

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