‘Omg is this 2010’ ☠️☠️☠️ laughing into my tea Garance! You’re so funny xx

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Where can we watch Le Bureau?!

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Perfectly described why I binged Emily in Paris as well.

I describe it as a wonderful pastime, no sense needed but eye candy.

... and Bureau des Legendes was top...

... have you whatched "Teheran" or "Fauda"? Highly Recommend

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I'm with you on Emily in Paris, but I found it hard to stay awake through Season 4. I perked up when the action moved to Rome, but I think doing a fifth season is a mistake. They should just leave Emily going off into the Roman sunset, so to speak.

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You are spot on with your take on Emily in Paris!

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I have so many comments! First, it is so refreshing to see someone as beautiful as you having the same issues I/we have. The hair (thinning, trying to grow it) is so spot-on I feel seen, haha.

Your EiP take made me laugh. We watch it every now and again (our neighbor is actually a character in it, so we like to check in). We really WANT to like it. O how we try, lol.

Mais alors, like you, I have never laughed at any joke. E herself, though cute, cannot act at all, though I am sure the script is to blame as well. I think her friend who is a singer is actually a better actor.

BTW, I live partly in Athens Greece, and smoking is still a thing. I actually saw a bus driver smoking yesterday on the bus—the bus that was full of passengers and making its daily route. Ashtrays on every table. ANYway.

The thing that bugs me the most about EiP is all my fault—I am so jealous of E's clothes (even though they aren't my style) and Sylvie's (which is the style I would like to have but can't because I don't have the right figure). I want desperately to have a personal style... I feel like all I do is make mistakes, despite great advice from people like you and Allison Bornstein. Beautiful, well-made clothes justifiably cost quite a bit, and I feel discouraged because at the rate I can afford things, I will be 90 before I even have compiled the most minimalist of wardrobes. And I can't seem to make thrift clothes look good either. Alas, I seem to make no progress.

ANYway, part 2. Back to good television: We adored a French show called Dix Pour Cent. The acting was so natural and the storylines excellent.

We are currently watching our pennies but I look forward to subscribing to your substack asap.

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Love Iris&Romeo, especially their lip balms! So thick and rich. I swear as I get older, my lips just get dryer and dryer. It's replaced Aquaphor as my go-to.

Recommend "Call My Agent" for a fun Parisian show full of swearing, though it is in French. So fun! It's also on Netflix and Philippine is also in it, though she's a very minor character.

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oh yes, call my agent. That was GREAT. I think, I will re-watch it even.

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I like to say that 'Emily is Paris' is so bad it's good. It's pure and necessary escapism! My brain deserves some rest every now and then...

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Same, you summed it up so well 😅 I watched all of it, all the time thinking « it doesn’t make any sense » « why does she/he react like that? » bla bla bla, but it was still pleasant. Not mind blowing, for sure, but pleasant…but then, so are a lot of other shows…

(I can’t stand the character of Camille though 😫🤣)

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À propos… I just watched Bodkin on Netflix … is it me or have you started your acting career ? xx

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totally on board with the Emily in Paris feelings and total love for Sylvie...

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City of Light! all the light!!!

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Gah. I LOVE Slow Horses too! So good - G.O. Is in a class all his own but all of the actors are good on that show. I tried EIP at the very beginning but just couldn’t. Now perhaps I should give it another try and not try to take it remotely seriously in any way.

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Escapism! That’s it, you nailed it Garance. My reason for watching too and it would have been really daft if Paris WASN’T cartoony

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