I don’t know what took me, but I got my ear pierced in August.
I already had the classic one piercing on each ear, but one day I woke up, went to the tattoo salon next door and added two studs on my left ear.
It was a bit painful, and for a few weeks I had to wear some very ugly studs. I hadn’t really thought it through—today, there are more civilised ways to get your ears pierced than to deal with the backroom of a tattoo parlour, where everyone’s skin is blue with ink, and everyone looks at you like you’re a pussy for not getting a full sleeve.
After the spur of the moment, I had remorse and thought that my idea was actually a bit tacky. What next? A belly ring?*
But then I found these diamond studs which are flat in the back and very comfortable, and now I love it. Even with the little touch of tackiness. And I’m thinking of adding an ear cuff on the other side.
What do you think?
Are your ears pierced aside from the classic one on each side?
If you want to go mad (lol) and get your ears pierced, Monica Vinader and Astrid and Miyu offer very nice piercing services - without the weird tattoo parlour looks! Below is a selection of my favourite ones.

*Full disclosure, I had one when I was 16. I had it done in Barcelona. The morning after a rave party. And I still have a stupid hole above my belly button!
In my last Letter, I talked about getting out of the bubble I’ve lived in for a few years, the discomfort of getting back into the real world—and my encounter with my younger self.
In my last Note—the Notes are free!—I talked about my very scary experience with face laser!
Here is where you can read all Notes!
In our last live, we talked about health and finding the answers inside.
If you don’t know how to join our lives, learn more here and let me know if you have any questions!
Doré launched a new tool called Le Disque. It’s amazing and you can check it here!
If there are any topics you would like me to write about in future Notes, let me know here!
Big kisses from Austria where I am on a health retreat (can’t wait to share more about this!), and have a wonderful day!!!
At age 52 I also went to a tattoo parlour to get my ears pierced. I’d had the classic one in each ear since I was 16 (the age I had to be for my mum to allow it!) and now have four in one ear and three in the other. One tiny silver hoop and the others are tiny diamond studs. I love them, but now also want a small tattoo on my inner forearm (Gingko leaf) but worried I’m a walking mid-life crisis.
I love it! I did the exact thing a few years ago! I don’t think it’s tacky… I just wanted a little bit of an edge… I’m in my mid 50’s and care less what people think these days! Be your authentic self! ❤️