At age 52 I also went to a tattoo parlour to get my ears pierced. I’d had the classic one in each ear since I was 16 (the age I had to be for my mum to allow it!) and now have four in one ear and three in the other. One tiny silver hoop and the others are tiny diamond studs. I love them, but now also want a small tattoo on my inner forearm (Gingko leaf) but worried I’m a walking mid-life crisis.

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I love it! I did the exact thing a few years ago! I don’t think it’s tacky… I just wanted a little bit of an edge… I’m in my mid 50’s and care less what people think these days! Be your authentic self! ❤️

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My philosophy as I get older is less is more. I have had standard pierced ears since I was nine and I also wear clips. But whom am I to judge? Today anything goes. I just learned that the rainbow colors in hair dye show a person’s support for LGBT+. While people are focused on their outward appearance, the US just elected a felon as president. I wonder what fashion trend he will be making? Chains? An electronic bracelet?

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Oh I love it! I have just the one hole in each ear, but got my nose pierced a couple of years back. I was coveting a nose ring for a long time, but was afraid it would somehow wouldnt work in an office environment. How wrong I was (as if anyone cares!!). When I told this lady with a very classy golden nose stud I was contemplating a nose piercing she just said: Make your dreams come true! And so I did! Ive loved it ever since and still do.

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One on the right, two for the left, and my 15 year girl too -one on each side when she was born and the third one 4 years ago, we went for it together and she’s begging for more now-. It’s very usual in Spain!

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I only have the traditional piercing but I do rock the ear cuff trend love them. My friend Sophie Blake makes some chunky ones that are cool

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Jan 7Edited

Speaking of tattoo parlours... I'm curious, do you have any tattoos?

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They look so good! I've been thinking about getting piercings beyond the one on each ear that I've had since I was 8. At 54 I thought maybe I was crazy but now I'm inspired!

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I love it - I got three extra piercings in my ears for my 55th birthday. Just two tiny diamond studs on the right and one tiny trio of diamonds on the left (where I had a closed up second hole since the late 80s) The two singles represent my two sons and the trio is my two sons and my husband. Sentimental, I know! I love the option to wear extra different earrings. If you're in London and you go to Liberty you can get piercings and gorgeous diamond jewellery at the very classy Maria Tash shop.

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I have three on the right (2 on the lobe and one on the helix) and four on the left (2 on the lobe and 2 on the helix) 😅 I usually wear tiny earrings and cuff so it’s not showing that much but I really like how it looks. I’m 45 and I’m thinking to add one in the tragus. So I think it’s really cool that you did this 😊

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moi aussi j'ai fait 2 percing à 49 ans j'en rêvais depuis longtemps mais jamais franchi le pas, et j'ai eu un la même réaction que toi car j'ai eu aussi mal et j'ai dû garder les clous pas trop jolis plus longtemps car cela avait dû mal à cicatriser et je me suis dit qu'à tu fais Véronique, mais après lorsque j'ai pu mettre de joli boucles j'adore !!!! je pense que l'on doit réaliser de jolies choses pour se sentir belle et même si cela est des rêves d'adolescente !!! tu es en cure chez Suzanne Kaufman en Autriche ?

belle journée


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I had my original set done when I was eight and a second set when I was 13. I added a third one on my right side when I was 17, done with a safety pin. My dad gave me tiny diamond studs when I was 10 years old and I wear those in my second set. I bought a matching diamond stud for the third piercing. I wear small diamond hoops in my first piercings all the time (24/7), taking them out occasionally for different outfits. I just never want my ears to be bare. I also want them to be simple and elegant, not trashy.

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Actually, a qualified person at a tattoo parlor with a needle is better for you than anyone using a gun. Guns do a lot more damage and take longer to heal.

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On my 50th birthday I decided to do exactly the same as you: add en extra 2 piercings in one ear. I had had the classic "one in each ear" since the age of 12. I think for me it was a desire to show myself that at 50 I was still a bit rock n roll 😄. Three years later I added 2 more, so I now have 4 in the left lobe and 2 in the right. I love them and feels it adds "edge" to my look. I like to wear mis-matched studs and sleepers.

Now I'm 55 and am even considering one more, on the top of my right ear!!

(Btw I have no tattoos and although v. fashion conscious, my rest of my every day look is fairly low key. I see my ear piercings as a subtle nod to my inner wild child 😄)

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Garance, your sleek jawline deserves these excellent ear jewels! I've had the classic two-ear, single-hole set-up since I was 14, but as a cyclist constantly in and out of a helmet (and wary of hair-related accidents) I haven't bothered with earrings for more than 25 years. Yet my earring collection is wonderful, gathered during the travels of my youth and a reminder of truly awesome times.

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Right after my 50th in may I got numerous ear piercings and am still recovering 🤣🤣

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