I think glasses can be super chic and you look amazing in yours. But aren't contact lenses an option? I'm practically blind and I wear contacts every day - one reason is that if it's sunny, my eyes hurt like the devil without sunglasses. So glasses don't really work for me.

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oh god I also reach the point that I need glasses but I refuse it. So for now I use my arms (lucky me I have long arms , never thougth they will be useful one day) to read what I can. I already have the white hair , I was cool with that but now if I need to have white hair + glasses , it's a no for me. In an other hand no glasses means at some point I won't see my white hair anymore :)))Let's see, I love glasses but I am not ready for this step yet. You are not alone Garance ! I REFUSE ( for now) and I PROTEST :)

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I’m your husband’s age but with using your Dore products I don’t look my age. But to be fair I’ve always looked younger than my age, as did my parents. Good DNA helps. But aging can’t be totally stopped. It’s ok to look ones age, it’s ok to wear bifocals. It’s ok to live long enough to appreciate life. Love you Garance!!

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Hi Lovely! Have you considered progressive soft daily contact lenses? They are so easy and comfortable to wear, I highly recommend giving them a try! And you can still wear all of your non-prescription sunglasses.

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I’m curious about those. My myopia has improved over time to the point where I require very little correction. But to not need glasses would be nice for a change

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Who would have thought, but that look in the ivory knit ,super flattering hair colour & cut, porcelain skin & glossed lip and those fabulous Epokhe Dylan glasses is the best image of you to date & I've followed your blogging since the beginning !... same nonchalant, naturalistic look as the early days, but better ( more spark )....had to comment ! There's hope for us all

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OMG this is so nice! Thank you! I've loved that old Cos sweater so much, it's in so many photos... Still a bit insecure about my hair, but I am doing it! So thank you !

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To second that — you look amazing in those glasses!

I embraced glasses myself a year ago. I needed them apparently all my life (astigmatism), but brain is a wonderful thing and adjusts to anything. So I've lived in a blurry version of the world and thought that was just fine. With my small face, was not easy to get glasses that did not look oversized... I know it's a thing, but they look sooooo weird on my face, even though I find them cute on others. I ended up splurging on MYKITA ones, and I wear them all the time now, love love love them. They bend so well and they are practically weightless.

Don't want contacts, don't want the surgery, glasses are now part of my style.

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J aimerais beaucoup vous lire. Existe t il une version française

Merci Jane

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Sometimes I leave home without my glasses too so here’s a little trick if you’re stranded. (I might look daft but I don’t really care!)

Get your thumb and first finger and touch them together, then bring your third finger behind and make a little triangle at the tips, it’ll look like a tiny triangle and works like a telescope or magnifying glass from the tips of your own fingers! Squint through it and you should be able to read the numbers,key code/text/menu/price etc.

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Laser eye surgery doesn’t work well after about early 50’s , but you can have an operation similar to cataract surgery, where the lens in the eye is removed and replaced with an artificial multifocal lens, which gives perfect vision and lasts forever. Cost is about £10k though. Have 2 friends who have had it done, and if I ever have an unexpected large amount of money come my way I’ll be doing it too!

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the only possibility darling … get older or die young

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Im confused why you keep mentioning how much older your husband is from your age . It seems irrelevant to the message you try to convey to women . Just. Let it be …..

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I actually don't, but I realise (via my friend's comment) that people may have questions about it-and that it's okay.

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Contact lenses are great, but not for everyone. Because I am also astigmatic, I would have to wear glasses when I work in front of my computer (all day), which defeats the purpose of wearing contact lenses. I have tried 5 different contact lenses recently, none of them really worked, it was too painful to read text on my computer. An eye infection caused by contact lenses sent me to the emergency room for a whole day, so I stopped the experiment. On another note, it was not very grateful of this lady to ask if you had thought enough about the years ahead with an older husband. You had, hadn't you? Embrace life, the rest is nonsense, and we hope that your husband, who looks so energetic, will continue to do lots of things to keep fit and have fun. Vive la vie!

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This is true wisdom! 😂😂😂 I am 65 and fully relaxed about what to come. You grow into it, if you let it be happen. 😉

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I too need glasses to read the fine print or ingredients, menus but more importantly my work of invoicing, pricing, comparing products and their herbal ingredients for customers. But I have my glasses in my bag Permanently. I take them off 👓 they go straight in my bag. But all day I push them up onto my head cause I do not want to weaken my eyes plus they stay there.

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I wanted cataract surgery to gain what I call “survival sight,” where with enough light at arm’s length I could read in an emergency.

It upset me to require glasses to see.

Now I happily wear mild correction to work for long hours but no glasses otherwise. Takes a long time for the surgical and healing process and it was sometimes not fun but I am so glad I did this!

Dr Tal Raviv, if you do it in NYC.

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Have you heard of going eyeglass-less? I've done it to myself a little bit, but you can strengthen your vision over time, and I don't wear my glasses day-to-day anymore like I used to. You won't see results immediately, but the idea is that your glasses become a crutch. You should check out Claudia Muhlenweg's IG, she knows some 90 year olds who don't use glasses and use the normal size font on their phones. Wild.

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Garance I just saw you follow her on IG! I've only ever tried her free stuff and over the past 3 years I've gotten rid of my glasses day-to-day! It works!

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My 21 year old daughter often steals my reading glasses because she thinks it makes her look interesting…I took it as a compliment. But then her Christmas wish list included Coastal Grandpa vibe clothes…so maybe it’s just her 😅 I think it’s ok to embrace our age and accept things change. Our culture is too fixated on trying to stay forever young.

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