I want to signal to you that I have reached the Very Significant Point where if I forget my glasses at home, I’ll probably have to go back and get them unless I want to spend the whole day in a sort of a hazardous fog. Because we don’t realise, but there are very many vital things we need to read throughout the day. I know, because of how many times I need to pull out my glasses.
About 547 times a day.
Yesterday it happened to me, and I almost stayed stuck outside the Paris apartment. I couldn’t type the code. NOT because I had forgotten it—I’m not there yet—but because I couldn’t perfectly read the (pretty bold) numbers.
I’ve also gotten to the point where I feel like wearing glasses is not a chic thing I do to accessorise an outfit, no. It’s a clear sign that I am now part of the people who need to scroll down quite a bit to find my birth date. Also my stepdaughter was born the year I launched my blog. Also my husband is my stepdad’s age*—but okay that has nothing to do with anything.
Some of my friends have chosen to not give in to the glasses, and instead they’ve made the fonts on their phone gigantic and bold. Five words take the whole screen, which is as much a giveaway if I am honest, but maybe, unlike me, they’re super chill and they don’t care. My plan was that when I would get to that point, I would get eye surgery, but apparently is doesn’t work really well. Have you tried it?
Am I REALLY going to have to wear my progressive glasses permanently on my nose, and accept ageing like I’m supposed to?
WHAT IF I REFUSE? Can I protest?
*That’s the truth. My mom (who is a young 70 years old) married younger, and I married older.
I have to say, being with a man who is fourteen years older than me, and comfortable in his age, is making my ageing process much easier (I’ll always be fresh as a rose in his eyes) but then the other day a friend asked me if I was worried about what would happen in a few years “if I knew what she meant” and I raised my arms in the air, because I think ageing is also getting to the point where you realise you control less and less anyway, so you might as well enjoy what life is giving you right now, do your best with what you have and laugh about the rest.
And, I guess, wear the bloody glasses and get on with your life.
Today at 5pm Paris time, I will host my first Substack chat. I would love to hear about all the lessons you’ve learnt this year—and I’ll share some of mine!
(We can also talk about our hair if you’d like ;)
I my last Letter I talk about the many times I have lost myself, and what very important lessons I have learnt this year. It’s called Hold Yourself Tight.
I my last Note, I share a new wardrobe inspiration. I am really, really trying to make an effort and be more feminine…
Here is where you can read all Notes.
In our last live, I explain my ideas about planting seeds for my future life and the principle of reality.
If you don’t know how to join our lives, learn more here and let me know if you have any questions!
Doré launched a great collaboration with Clare V.! Check it out and find a special limited edition set here for international shipping and here for US shipping.
If there are any topics you would like me to write about in future Notes, let me know here.
Big kisses from home and have a wonderful day!
I think glasses can be super chic and you look amazing in yours. But aren't contact lenses an option? I'm practically blind and I wear contacts every day - one reason is that if it's sunny, my eyes hurt like the devil without sunglasses. So glasses don't really work for me.
oh god I also reach the point that I need glasses but I refuse it. So for now I use my arms (lucky me I have long arms , never thougth they will be useful one day) to read what I can. I already have the white hair , I was cool with that but now if I need to have white hair + glasses , it's a no for me. In an other hand no glasses means at some point I won't see my white hair anymore :)))Let's see, I love glasses but I am not ready for this step yet. You are not alone Garance ! I REFUSE ( for now) and I PROTEST :)