Recently I’ve really been trying to be a bit more feminine in the way I dress. It’s hard. Comfort (and by comfort I mean oversize jeans, flat shoes, chunky sweaters and absolutely not a worry in the world about a hole in my stockings or feeling slowed down by a heel) has this way of taking over your life, and then anything tight feels like a betrayal to your freedom of movement.
But the rewards of making an effort are tremendous—it’s like suddenly I stand taller, my husband looks happy*, I am more organized**, I hold myself to higher standards*** and I am treated better everywhere I go.
But also, more simply, when I am more polished, I feel like I am the woman I want to be, which, okay this is going to sound weird, but as I am turning 50 next year, I feel like I’d better embody that “woman I want to be” sooner than later or else soon she’ll just be “the woman I would have quite liked to be, if only soft clothes hadn’t been so darn comfortable.” You know what I mean?
Let’s see how I do, now that I am going to be in Paris more often, and much less in the mud in Somerset. I even just bought a new pair of heels! OMG, I’m excited!

*So predictable, but if you look at the bright side it means he’s very easy to please!
**This is not even a joke, I start making better lists, and acting on them!
***Sweatpants, you literally drag me down.
Here is a selection of some of my inspiration :)

My last Letter is about a French man and a French woman (you guessed—me!) having a heated talk and how I let go of my people-pleasing tendencies.
I my last Note, I share a podcast interview and I talk about taking action and forging your own path.
Here is where you can read all Notes.
In our last live, I explain my ideas about planting seeds for my future life and the principle of reality.
If you don’t know how to join our lives, learn more here and let me know if you have any questions!
Doré launched a great collaboration with Clare V.! Check it out and find a special limited edition set here for international shipping and here for US shipping.
If there are any topics you would like me to write about in future Notes, let me know here.
Big kisses from Paris and have a wonderful day!
Bonjour! I had slumped fully into casual wear as I'm an artist and always covered in oil paint. But 18 months ago I got ovarian cancer, and as I went through chemo etc I started taking lots of care in my clothes and turbans. I started dressing in more colour and that's continued now I'm well again. I loooooove a beautiful shirt dress. In Auckland at the moment it's so humid. But some metallic berkies and a semi sheer shirt dress and I'm happy. Oh and I have this cool new curly grey hair! Tres chic ;) You always look a million francs G x
That photo so perfectly embodies the “femme” vibe you’re writing about. I personally love that look — it was def my collegiate vibe — but now the thought of a mini skirt feels laughable and the idea of mustering up the outfit feels like a massive undertaking. Part of this is because I, like you’ve said, am so much happier in cozy clothes!