Here are a few things you might have missed if you don’t read my (wonderful, funny, deep, unmissable) Letter—these few things might make my life on Instagram look like a bit of a mess—which, yes, okay, it is, but it’s actually…
Let’s call it conscious chaos.
On my last Life Update, I was in New Zealand being a good wife to my ever-traveling husband*… and freaking out about a house I want to buy in Morocco.

Believe it or not, months later this project still hasn’t come to fruition. Am I frustrated? Not really, I believe in divine timing with houses OKAY JUST A LITTLE BIT FRUSTRATED.
I came back from New Zealand on my own early September, knowing that Graham wouldn’t return until the end of October—and still be very busy thereafter. And that I would potentially be seriously lonely again.

This is why I decided not to let myself be miserable in my house in the middle of nowhere the fields and, instead, to go spend the Autumn with people I love.
One problem, one of the “people I love” is my little snoop doggy dog Lulu**. My guilt love for her almost made me cancel everything and stay home just to be with her, until one day, my mom, who is definitely a witch of the best kind, asked me to “bring Lulu home.”
It’s like she suddenly had given me wings while I try to figure out what shape our future life would take.
So I embarked on a train + boat trip from Somerset to Corsica.

Then one day, my friend Stephanie tried to convince me that I needed to get an apartment in Paris.
NO WAY! As if my life wasn’t complicated enough. Then I realized that she was right, for many different reasons — The first one being the Somerset Solitude, the second one being my career which, believe it or not, is actually difficult to lead from the woods, and the third one is the Paris cafés, bien sûr.
I convinced Graham it was a great idea by giving him The Absolute Perfect Day In Paris (I’ll have to write about that soon, in case you need to convince someone to move to Paris). He loved the idea, and we just signed on a small but lovely pied-à-terre in Saint-Germain-Des-Prés.
Me who had been trying to settle down for ten years, I am now less settled down than I ever was.
I suppose that if you can’t get out of it, then get into it… Is kind of my life motto right now.
Sending you big kisses from Corsica where I am spending a few days with my family and my lovely dog, who you should see very soon trotting alongside me with me on the streets of Paris!
(And if you want more insights, and my very real and honest take on my life, it’s so easy to subscribe! Also, we will soon start our meet-ups again! First one will be… Well in Paris. Bien sûr!)
* If you ever marry an actor, just know that your life might never be the same. Sometimes he will be here way too much, sometimes he won’t be here at all, it will be unpredictable, weird, complicated… But also, if you’re able to make it work and if you embrace it, it can be quite wonderful!
** Dogs can’t travel to and from England in the cabin of the plane. I used to travel with her everywhere, but since moving to the UK, I have felt like we were literally grounded.
In my last Letter, I talked about getting out of the bubble I’ve lived in for a few years, the discomfort of getting back into the real world—and my encounter with my younger self.
In my last Note—the Notes are free!—I talked about getting my ear pierced!
Here is where you can read all Notes.
In our last live, we talked about health and finding the answers inside.
If you don’t know how to join our lives, learn more here and let me know if you have any questions!
Doré launched a new tool called Le Disque. It’s amazing and you can check it here.
If there are any topics you would like me to write about in future Notes, let me know here.
Big kisses from Corsica and have a wonderful day!!!
My ex- husband and still friend, is a Kiwi who bore a passing resemblance to your Graham when said ex- husband had a beard. Must be the Scottish genetics…Anyway, he shaved it off when he finally finished his PhD and our son, who was about seven at the time, freaked out completely and took days to get used to the idea that that this clean shaven man was not an imposter. The surreptitious sideways looks were hilarious 😆. All I can say is be prepared…
Emily (in Paris) seems goes to Rome, now we are happy to find again Garance in Paris ;-)) ❤️